What are Grey Wolf’s Expert Witness Services? An expert witness, by virtue of education, training, certification, skills, or experience, gives an opinion that a judge or other official accepts as an expert within a specific topic area related to civil, criminal, or administrative proceedings. The judge or other official might consider the witness’s specialized knowledge or opinion about evidence or facts that the court presents within the expert’s area of expertise. We call these professional testimonials an “Expert Opinion”.
Grey Wolf’s senior staff is well-equipped to provide Expert Witness Testimony on several topics that may be brought in front of officials. We will provide expert and professional testimony.
Grey Wolf Consulting offers expert witness services within matters related to:
- The Escalation / De-Escalation and Judgmental of Use of Physical Force
- Firearms Safety / Handling (Accidental vs. Negligent Discharges)
- Professional Firearms Training / Instructional Standards
- Professional Firearms Training Development / Industry Best Practices
- Resources available to address other specialized circumstances as required
For additional information on this service, please contact the Special Services Division of Grey Wolf Consulting at info@greywolfconsulting.us . Our staff will contact you as soon as possible. Please state your request and the services you are inquiring about very explicitly.