Designed specifically for the private citizen who has decided to purchase a firearm for personal protection. This seminar is intended to provide the participant with a breakdown and clarification of the laws related to the Use of Physical Force within a confrontation in the State of Connecticut.
Some of the core topics included within this seminar include:
- The Escalation / De-Escalation of Physical Force
- The Use of Force Continuum
- CT. Laws / Statutes Related to the Use of Physical Force
- The Duty to Retreat & The Castle Doctrine
- The 5th Amendment to the Constitution
- The Aftermath of a Confrontation
Far too often, people are provided with either at best partially accurate information or at worst patently false information related to these critical topics and as a result will often find themselves in legal trouble. Let us help.
For additional information, please contact us at: or 203.952.7815
Instructor: Brian S. Williams
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